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Mortgage Fraud ARS §44-1521

Mortgage Fraud ARS §44-1521

Mortgage Fraud AttorneyMortgage Fraud is a class 2 felony. There are numerous ways to be charged with Mortgage Fraud in Arizona. Cash Back / Kickback Scheme, Reverse Mortgage Scheme, Bankruptcy Foreclosure Scheme, Loan Modification Mortgage Fraud Scheme, Short Sale Scheme, and Equitable Schemes are chargeable offenses under ARS §44-1521.

If charged, you could be facing up to 12.5 years in prison. Do not risk conviction with an inadequate or inexperienced legal defense team.  DM Cantor are AV® Rated with over 3,500+ criminal defense victories in Arizona. Click Here to see the various fraud schemes for clarification.

Possible Mortgage Fraud Sentences:

  • First Offense: Ranges from Probation to 12.5 years incarceration

If the total value of the Mortgage Fraud is greater than $100,000 a sentence of probation is not available and incarceration is the judge’s only option.

  • Second Offense: Up 23.5 Years Prison
  • Third Offense: Up to 35 Years Prison

The key to successfully defending charges of Mortgage Fraud is to understand the differences and the key elements. The Associates at DM Cantor take pride in knowing more about the defense than the prosecution and the police officers. Some possible defenses are:

  • Lack of Intent
  • Lack of Knowledge
  • Miranda Rights Violation
  • Denial of Right To Counsel

Charges of Mortgage Fraud can have lifelong consequences that include jail time, fines and loss of professional reputation. What is Your Future Worth To You & Your Family? Call DM Cantor at 602-307-0808 or Contact Us For a Free Case Consultation. DM Cantor is AV® rated and is listed in the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers®, Criminal Law Section. David M. Cantor is an Expert Criminal Defense Lawyer and has a proven track record in defense charges in Arizona.

For more information about charges of Mortgage Fraud, please refer to our parent site for DM Cantor.

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